Find Peace with an After Loss Expert 🌟
Sunlight & Serenity participated in the Professionals for After Loss Services (PALS) Summit this past week, and had a great time! As a partner to PALS, Sunlight & Serenity was able to meet all sorts of wonderful men and women who can provide your family comfort in the year after you’ve lost a loved one. Below are some fun tips I wanted to share with you.
Having a dream team in dealing with life after loss is important - Your dream team could include an After Loss Professional, an attorney, a financial advisor, and a tax advisor. Did you know…
70% of Americans do no planning for their death
80% of long-term care is done by family caregivers
4.5 years is the average duration of end of life caregiving
It takes 420 hours of work across 18 months to handle the average estate
Approximately 50% of estates go through probate
In addition to all the paperwork, the emotional toll is front and center as well:
60% of people find that their friends and family don't understand their grief, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness
30% of individuals who are grieving seek professional counseling or join support groups
The majority of support shows up in the first 30-60 days post-loss
While the initial outpouring of support following a loss typically occurs in the first 30 to 60 days, it’s crucial to remember that grief doesn’t have a set timeline. For many, the months and even years that follow can be particularly challenging. Sending reminders, thoughtful gifts, or simply reaching out with words of comfort during this time can have a profound impact. These gestures not only acknowledge the ongoing nature of grief but also provide the bereaved with a sense of connection and understanding. It’s in these moments that your support can be most meaningful, reminding them that they are not alone in their journey.
Let’s strive to extend our compassion well beyond the initial mourning period—because love and support are timeless.
And, if you need after loss help, there’s a PALS professional ready to serve you no matter where you live.